Vadiação – Waldemar, Traíra & Bimba (1955)

The film Vadiação was made in 1955, and as you can see is a short documentary made of capoeira in Salvador, Bahia. The complete film last maybe 5 minutes, and is primarily made up of a demonstration roda led by capoeira angola mestres Waldemar, Traíra & Bimba

Dança de Guerra (1968)

”Excerpt from the movie ”Dança de Guerra”, directed by Jair Moura (1968). Mestres João Grande and João Pequeno play, while Mestres Noronha and Maré sing.”

Article from the 1960’s by Mestre Pastinha

”…So in spite of early difficulties, capoeira caught on. Legendary names appeared: invincible fighters, men with flesh impenetrable by knife or bullet, men under contract to the devil, men with charms against the most powerful of enemies, men who could liberate themselves from any kind of a trap…” Read article here